It gets released alongside the Firefox Beta release, following the same release pattern. Version number is always X + 1, X being the Firefox version number.įirefox Developer Edition: This branch is based off the Firefox Beta branch with additional DevTools merged in. Every four weeks it gets cherry-picked changes from Nightly, then follows a three weekly point release aimed at stabilizing the release for the stable branch. For more information you should review the release cycle documentation.įirefox Beta: This branch is meant to reflect what the next Firefox release will look like. Usually these branches are supported for a year, with a planned release calendar for new ESR branches.

Firefox ESR does not come with the latest features, but it has the latest security and stability fixes. Once a new release is out, the older release immediately stops receiving support and everyone must migrate to the next Firefox release.įirefox Extended Support Release (ESR): is an official version of Firefox developed for large organizations like universities and businesses that need to set up and maintain Firefox on a large scale. It’s the stable branch with the latest features available. This site uses Just the Docs, a documentation theme for Jekyll.įirefox: Simply named Firefox, this is the default channel and is the one recommended.