I don't understand, unless doors don't actually exist and they are door like windows.

Is there no way to have just a door that is centered like a normal door, I mean the doorways are centered perfectly and fits my needs, but a door not a doorway has to be awkward? How am I suppose to have a natural looking door on a building when either the doors look like they are higher than they are supposed to be or hanging off the building like its not even detached. Like I need a door a simple door, but because it's improperly handled I can't get a perfect door that fits on A tile asset, I don't understand why the doors, even the smallest doors or improperly centered. I don't get why some of the assets take up weird space locations. Why are some of the tilesets don't work properly. I'm completely new to RPG Maker, but I have a question (using the assets provided for the game)